Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Desomorphine (Krokodil)

Desomorphine is a designer drug that has became popular in Russia.  However I find this one very interesting because of the intense damage it inflicts on a users body.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Drug Resistant Tuberculosis

Bacteria adapting to medicine and there by making it ineffective has been a public health concern for years now especially among those who's body immune systems are weakened by HIV or old age.  Her are a few articles on the current trend seen among resistant Tuberculosis.




Thursday, January 12, 2012

International Health: $300 Home for Poor

This is a project developed to provide better housing for the poor and empower them to improve other aspects of there life.  The project is based on microfinancing and does not provide other aspects of infrastructure so is more designed for shoddy housing for those in areas with sewers and water already installed.

This link is on the creation of a video interview on the creation of the project at Thinkers50:


And these are on the project itself:




Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Teaching and Learning How to Eat

This article is talking about how to not gain weight when eating out by taking the approach of changing how we eat by taking a program to teach what to do.  However, I think it may have application to eating at home.  For the last while in the media obesity has been a big topic in the media blaming mainly sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition, but I wonder if maybe also how we eat influences how much we eat.  Just food for thought...no pun intended.

Hit link for article from NPR


Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Interdisciplinary Action in Health

This is a TED talk presented by Michelle Borkin on astronomers and doctors and how technology in one crosses over into the other field to improve results.  I enjoyed this article because I think it highlights the vast potential that specialists can bring into a field not of their specialty and especially with public health where resources are limited.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Public Health Care.....Disaster?....Maybe

Here is a video done by the BBC where they interview an Indian doctor on the problems worldwide on public healthcare.  The main point he brings up that was interesting was stating that 70% of healthcare costs goes to salaries and he also states how if this was compared to private businesses it would equal a state that is  unsustainable. I find this an interesting topic because as people live longer the issue of health care availability continues to grow.

Hit link for video


Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Driven Mad at Work

Here is a short blurb on work place atmosphere in some popular software companies and basically how they slave drive them to becoming burned out.  I think this is one area of health that is becoming a concern because of the stress an individual incurs causing a strain on their emotional and mental well being.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Metabolism Slideshow

Just a quick slideshow on 12 ways to boost ones metabolism through small lifestyle changes.  Overall good advise that addresses some misconceptions on fat loss.


Monday, January 2, 2012

ZZZ's What are they good for?

So While going through the internet today I stumbled across this quiz on WebMD on sleep.  Sleep is one of those things that is important to humans functioning but science cant really explain why.  However I did find this quiz to be interesting and semi enlightening.
