Saturday, June 16, 2012

Bath Salts+ Inhaled = Zombie Attack???

For those in the U.S. this is all old hat about the man who got hopped up on bath salts and ate a man's face off.  For those who have not heard the story here is a news clip to get up to date.

So this being a blog on public health here is the tie in for this week: What goes on in a human's brain when they "do" bath salts.  Instead of ripping someone else's work I will just post a link here

and here

and here for an article done earlier on Mephedrone

The basic gist from the first article is not so much what happens in the brain but quantity of dosage plus sleep deprivation equals chaotic behavior.  The second link is a quick blurb on what are bath salts and what are the active chemicals in these substances and the repercussions.

Drug abuse is a public health and safety issue all over the world.  They come in various forms and have various side effects but in my opinion , and being nothing more then just that, these drugs are used at first to fill a void in a persons life and then that is when these substances with there addictive potential take over a persons life.

If you want to see the results of the attack type "bath salt attack"  WARNING it is very gory.

links for more information on drug abuse from the blog