Monday, February 20, 2012

Infograph: Mexican Drug Wars

Infographic, GOOD, Transparency, Felipe Calderon, Mexican President, Mexican Drug War, Drug Traffic

Mexico has been having quite the battle with the major drug cartels in the country over the last couple years
and the media has not been shy about showing us that, but who are the major players in this mess hit the link for a infograph that breaks down the major groups and their leaders.

For larger more visible image take link to source:


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Darfur in 10 Minutes

Darfur it's one of those names of a region that many people have heard but don't know why or what is the big deal about it.  This is a 10 minute clip going into the major "Drivers" of the current situation.  I will be first to admit I don't know the whole scenario but based on what I already knew from other sources this hits it on the button and provided additional insight.  Hope it helps clarify Darfur for you to.  P.S. Stuff like this totally has impact on public health in the international sense because war zones have all kinds of public health needs.

link for video: