Thursday, December 29, 2011

Tank Busters and Weather Research

Link on an article of remodeled A-10 warplane for studying storms from the inside and how scientists hope that understanding storm development will better equip scientists to predict storms powerful storms in the future.

Monday, December 26, 2011

New Insect Based Tech for Solving the "Plastic Problem"

Hit link for an interesting article on "Shrilk" which is a material based on the exoskeletons of insects and has physical property changes based on its hydration levels.  This can have an impact on environmental health due to its short structural lifespan of only a few months.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mephedrone Info Graphic

Hit link for larger access to larger image at

The main concern of Mephedrone is the accessibility to this chemical in products such as bath salts and the ability to get high off it has been compared to cocaine.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Health News for the Week

BBC News

Plastic Pioneers: How war has driven surgery

An article on plastic surgery and advances in medial history during war times.

Anatomy of a Sunburn

A brief explanation on the destruction of skin from sunburns from Popular Mechanics.

Sleep Disorders and Police officers

Overcoming Cocaine from an Ex-convict POV

Monday, December 19, 2011

Battlefield Medical Services

These are a series of videos form a Nova special called "Life and
Death in the War Zone" that highlight the operations of battlefield medical services form the Iraqi Conflict.  Originally filmed in 2003, I first came upon this from a Professor that I took classes from that was stationed at the facilities and spoke about the dedication of those who serve in the medical services.  I really enjoyed this video and hope you do too.